Results for 'Chai M. Tyng'

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  1.  67
    The Influences of Emotion on Learning and Memory.Chai M. Tyng, Hafeez U. Amin, Mohamad N. M. Saad & Aamir S. Malik - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:235933.
    Emotion has a substantial influence on the cognitive processes in humans, including perception, attention, learning, memory, reasoning, and problem solving. Emotion has a particularly strong influence on attention, especially modulating the selectivity of attention as well as motivating action and behavior. This attentional and executive control is intimately linked to learning processes, as intrinsically limited attentional capacities are better focused on relevant information. Emotion also facilitates encoding and helps retrieval of information efficiently. However, the effects of emotion on learning and (...)
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    Justice.Chaïm Perelman - 1967 - New York,: Random House.
    "In 'Justice', the result of many years' thoughtful exploration of that subject, Professor Perelman explains the conceptual origins of justice (both social and historical) and discusses the relationships between justice and justification, between justice and reason, and between reason and values. He considers the matter of a core of meaning, common to all, concerning the concept of justice, and raises essential questions such as why do people disagree about the problems of justice and whether a difference exists between a political (...)
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    An historical introduction to philosophical thinking.Chaïm Perelman - 1965 - New York,: Random House.
  4. Dialectics: entretiens in Varna, 15-22 September 1973.Chaïm Perelman (ed.) - 1975 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff.
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    Droit, morale et philosophie.Chaïm Perelman - 1976 - Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence.
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  6. Droit, morale et philosophie..Chaïm Perelman - 1968 - Paris,: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence.
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  7. Éléments d'une théorie de l'argumentation.Chaïm Perelman - 1968 - Bruxelles,: Presses universitaires de Bruxelles.
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  8. Logique et argumentation.Chaïm Perelman - 1968 - Bruxelles,:
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  9. La Preuve en droit: études.Chaïm Perelman & P. Foriers (eds.) - 1981 - Bruxelles: E. Bruylant.
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    Le raisonnable et le déraisonnable en droit, au-delà du positivisme juridique.Chaïm Perelman - 1984 - Paris: Libr. générale de droit et de jurisprudence.
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    (1 other version)L'empire rhétorique: rhétorique et argumentation.Chaïm Perelman - 1977 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    La rhetorique n'est pas la discipline qui s'occupe essentiellement des figures de rhetorique: celles-ci ne sont plus qu'un outil parmi d'autres pour persuader et convaincre un auditoire. Dans toute sa generalite, elle constitue une theorie de l'argumentation, qui se sert de raisonnements qu'Aristote qualifiait de dialectiques. En ce sens la rhetorique, qui englobe la dialectique des Anciens, est le pendant de la logique formelle, car c'est l'instrument indispensable de toute pensee qui ne se reduit pas a un calcul. Toute deliberation, (...)
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  12.  21
    Trattato dell'argomentazione.Chaïm Perelman - 1966 - Torino]: Einaudi. Edited by Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca.
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    Volatility Similarity and Spillover Effects in G20 Stock Market Comovements: An ICA-Based ARMA-APARCH-M Approach.Shanglei Chai, Zhen Zhang, Mo Du & Lei Jiang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-18.
    Financial internationalization leads to similar fluctuations and spillover effects in financial markets around the world, resulting in cross-border financial risks. This study examines comovements across G20 international stock markets while considering the volatility similarity and spillover effects. We provide a new approach using an ICA- based ARMA-APARCH-M model to shed light on whether there are spillover effects among G20 stock markets with similar dynamics. Specifically, we first identify which G20 stock markets have similar volatility features using a fuzzy C-means time (...)
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    Cyberculture: Impacts on Netizen.Chai Lee Goi - 2009 - Asian Culture and History 1 (2):P140.
    Macek (2004) highlighted a typology of current concepts of cyberculture. Four different concepts were identified, which are spans utopian, information, anthropological and epistemological concepts of cyberculture. Macek (2004) also highlighted four different periods of the cyberculture and its impacts on netizen. The very first foundations of cyberculture originate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) at the turn of the 1950s and the 1960s. Early cyberculture reached its peak in the late 1970s and in the 1980s. Early cyberculture originates in (...)
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    What makes a theory of consciousness unscientific?Michal Klincewicz, Tony Cheng, Joel Snyder, Michael Schmitz, Miguel Angel Sebastian, Derek H. Arnold, Mark G. Baxter, Tristan A. Bekinschtein, Yoshua Bengio, James W. Bisley, Jacob Browning, Dean Buonomano, David Carmel, Marisa Carrasco, Peter Carruthers, Olivia Carter, Dorita H. F. Chang, Ian Charest, Mouslim Cherkaoui, Axel Cleeremans, Michael A. Cohen, Philip R. Corlett, Kalina Christoff, Sam Cumming, Cody A. Cushing, Beatrice de Gelder, Felipe De Brigard, Daniel C. Dennett, Nadine Dijkstra, Paul E. Dux, Adrien Doerig, Stephen M. Fleming, Keith Frankish, Chris D. Frith, Sarah Garfinkel, Melvyn A. Goodale, Jacqueline Gottlieb, Jake R. Hanson, Ran R. Hassin, Michael H. Herzog, Cecilia Heyes, Po-Jang Hsieh, Shao-Min Hung, Robert Kentridge, Tomas Knapen, Nikos Konstantinou, Konrad Kording, Timo L. Kvamme, Sze Chai Kwok, Renzo C. Lanfranco & Hakwan Lau - 2025 - Nature Neuroscience 28 (4):1-5.
    Theories of consciousness have a long and controversial history. One well-known proposal — integrated information theory — has recently been labeled as ‘pseudoscience’, which has caused a heated open debate. Here we discuss the case and argue that the theory is indeed unscientific because its core claims are untestable even in principle.
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    Chaïm Perelman (1912-2012): de la nouvelle rhétorique à la logique juridique.Benoît Frydman & Michel Meyer (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    Perelman a remis à l'honneur la rhétorique en 1958 et l'a appliquée à la philosophie morale, politique et juridique aussitôt, montrant ainsi la fécondité de son approche. Reprenant l'œuvre d'Aristote et la poursuivant, il a fait de la rhétorique et de l'argumentation la nouvelle matrice des sciences humaines après la mort du structuralisme. A l'occasion du centenaire de sa naissance, les auteurs réunis ici lui rendent hommage, mais aussi poursuivent, par leurs propres recherches, l'idée que la rhétorique comme l'argumentation sont (...)
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    Chaïm Perelman: l'argumentation juridique.Stefan Goltzberg - 2013 - Paris: Michalon Éditeur.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "La pensée de Chaïm Perelman a profondément marqué la théorie du droit du xxe siècle. S'opposant au positivisme juridique, c'est-à-dire aux théories qui réduisent le droit à la loi, l'essentiel de son apport réside dans une théorie de l'argumentation qui rebat les cartes de la logique juridique, en mettant l'accent sur la manière de raisonner, et plus profondément de discuter. La vérité n'est plus chez Perelman une notion centrale. Elle est remplacée par l'idée d'adhésion, (...)
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    Chaïm Perelman: direito, retórica e teoria da argumentação.Eduardo Chagas Oliveira (ed.) - 2004 - Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brasil: Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana.
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  19.  10
    Les valeurs dans l'argumentation: l'héritage de Chaïm Perelman.Jean-Claude Guerrini - 2019 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Cet ouvrage restitue l'apport considérable du refondateur de la rhétorique Chaïm Perelman sur le point précis des valeurs en prenant la mesure exacte de son entreprise théorique et de la réception qui lui a été réservée dans les études contemporaines d'argumentation et de rhétorique.
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  20. Nikolaĭ Vasilʹevich Chaĭkovskīĭ.Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Titov - 1929 - Parizh,: Edited by S. P. Melʹgunov.
    [1]Aldanov, M. A. [i dr.] Religīoznyi︠a︡ i obshchestvennyi︠a︡ iskanīi︠a︡.--[2]Melgunov, S. P. N. V. Chaĭkovskīĭ v gody grazhdanskoĭ voĭny.
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    L'Éloquence de la raison.Jean-François Melcer - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    volume 1. Justice et rhétorique selon Chaïm Perelman, ou, comment dire le juste? -- volume 2. Éthique et rhétorique (d')après Chaïm Perelman, ou, la raison hospitalière -- 3. Logique et rhétorique selon Chaïm Perelman, ou, Le jugement partagé.
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    Ethical Customer Value Creation: Drivers and Barriers.Grace Tyng-Ruu Lin & Jerry Lin - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 67 (1):93-105.
    There is a long-standing discussion on the positive interactions between enterprise value creation and business competitiveness. The corporate value can be seen as being created from three major sources within the cycle - from employees, from processes, and from customers or investors through reinvestment. To achieve competitive advantages, a firm must create more value than its competitors in the industry. Emphasizing that, firms should explore the positive drivers of customer value creation, allowing for a true value creation that will lead (...)
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  23. Istina i dusha: filosofsko-psikhologicheskoe uchenie P.E. Astafʹeva v svi︠a︡zi s ego nat︠s︡ionalʹno-gosudarstvennymi vozzrenii︠a︡mi.N. P. Ilʹin - 2019 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
    Monografii︠a︡ posvi︠a︡shchena tvorchestvu Petra Evgenʹevicha Astafʹeva (1846-1893), zamechatelʹnogo russkogo filosofa, psikhologa i publit︠s︡ista iz plei︠a︡dy mysliteleĭ kont︠s︡a XIX veka -- "zolotogo veka" russkoĭ kulʹtury. V knige detalʹno rassmotreny osnovnye dostizhenii︠a︡ P.E. Astafʹeva, svi︠a︡zannye s obosnovaniem spiritualisticheskogo mirovozzrenii︠a︡: ego uchenie o dukhovnoĭ lichnosti i svobode voli, paradoksalʹnai︠a︡ traktovka chuvstva li︠u︡bvi, originalʹnai︠a︡ kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡ "bessoznatelʹnogo", predstavlenie o vere cheloveka v sebi︠a︡ kak pochve estestvennogo bogopoznanii︠a︡ i t.d. V edinstve s filosofsko-psikhologicheskim ucheniem P.E. Astafʹeva rassmotrena ego publit︠s︡istika (vkli︠u︡chai︠a︡ novyĭ i gluboko aktualʹnyĭ variant "troĭstvennoĭ (...)
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    Zhuangzi and the becoming of nothingness.David Chai - 2018 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Explores the cosmological and metaphysical thought in the Zhuangzi from the perspective of nothingness. Zhuangzi and the Becoming of Nothingness offers a radical rereading of the Daoist classic Zhuangzi by bringing to light the role of nothingness in grounding the cosmological and metaphysical aspects of its thought. Through a careful analysis of the text and its appended commentaries, David Chai reveals not only how nothingness physically enriches the myriad things of the world, but also why the Zhuangzi prefers nothingness (...)
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  25. Psychophysical magic: rendering the visible 'invisible'.Chai-Youn Kim & Randolph Blake - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (8):381-388.
    What are the neural correlates of conscious visual awareness? Tackling this question requires contrasting neural correlates of stimulus processing culminating in visual awareness with neural correlates of stimulus processing unaccompanied by awareness. To contrast these two neural states, one must be able to erase an otherwise visible stimulus from awareness. This paper describes and critiques visual phenomena involving dissociation of physical stimulation and conscious awareness: degraded stimulation, visual masking, visual crowding, bistable figures, binocular rivalry, motion-induced blindness, inattentional blindness, change blindness (...)
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    Working Memory From the Psychological and Neurosciences Perspectives: A Review.Wen Jia Chai, Aini Ismafairus Abd Hamid & Jafri Malin Abdullah - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Daoist resonances in Heidegger: exploring a forgotten debt.David Chai (ed.) - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    East Asian imagery resonates throughout Martin Heidegger's writings. In this exploration of the connections between Daoism and his thought, an international team of scholars consider why the Daodejing and Zhuangzi were texts he returned to repeatedly and the extent Heidegger adhered to Daoism's core doctrines. They discuss how Daoist thought provided him with a new perspective, equipping him with images, concepts, and meanings that enabled him to continue his questioning of the nature of being. Exploring the environment, language, death, temporality, (...)
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  28. Meontological Generativity: A Daoist Reading of the Thing.David Chai - 2014 - Philosophy East and West 64 (2):303-318.
    This paper relocates the philosophical discourse on the Thing (das Ding) to the world of classical Daoism. In doing so, it explores the bond between the One, the Thing and its signifier before discussing how the Thing unveils itself to the world while receiving the gift of nothingness from Dao. It furthermore contends that the two most prominent discussions of the Thing in the Western tradition--those by Heidegger and Lacan--while philosophically valuable in their own right, fail to provide the degree (...)
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    It’s About Distributing Rather than Sharing: Using Labor Process Theory to Probe the “Sharing” Economy.Sunyu Chai & Maureen A. Scully - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (4):943-960.
    The sharing economy has been examined from many angles, including the engagement of customers, the capabilities of the technological platforms, and the experiences of those who sell products or services. We focus on labor in the sharing economy. Labor has been regarded as one type of asset exchanged in the sharing economy, as part of the customer interface when services are sold, or as a party vulnerable to exploitation. We focus on labor as a position in relationship to owners of (...)
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    Daoism and Wu.David Chai - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (10):663-671.
    This paper introduces the concept of nothingness as used in classical Daoist philosophy, building upon contemporary scholarship by offering a uniquely phenomenological reading of the term. It will be argued that the Chinese word wu bears upon two planes of reality concurrently: as ontological nothingness and as ontic nonbeing. Presenting wu in this dyadic manner is essential if we wish to avoid equating it with Dao itself, as many have been wont to do; rather, wu is the mystery that perpetually (...)
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    Wuwei in the Lüshi Chunqiu.David Chai - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (3):437-455.
    Given wuwei 無為 describes the life praxis of the sage and statecraft of the enlightened ruler while also denoting the comportment of the Dao 道—an alternating state of quiet dormancy and creative activity—are the standard translations of wuwei as “nonaction” or “effortless action” up to the task? They are not, it will be argued, in that they fail to convey the true profundity of wuwei. The objective of this essay is twofold: to show that wuwei is better understood as “abiding (...)
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    Zhuangzi’s Meontological Notion of Time.David Chai - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (3):361-377.
    This article investigates the concept of time as it is laid forth in the Daoist text, the Zhuangzi 莊子. Arguing that authentic time lies with cosmogony and not reality as envisioned by humanity, the Zhuangzi casts off the ontology of the present-now in favor of the existentially creative negativity of Dao 道. As the pivot of Dao, nothingness not only allows us to side-step the issue of temporal directionality, it reflects the meontological nature of Daoist cosmology in general. Framing time (...)
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  33. Nothingness and the Clearing: Heidegger, Daoism and the Quest for Primal Clarity.David Chai - 2014 - Review of Metaphysics 67 (3): 583 - 601.
    Martin Heidegger has made uncovering the truth of being his life’s work. He ultimately came to locate this truth at the site of the clearing (lichtung), which allowed him to sweep away the traditional formulation of the question of being and begin anew with beyng. This second beginning, as Heidegger called it, stood apart from the original in that he saw fit to cloak beyng in nothingness. This paper explores Heidegger’s use of nothingness and his claim that in order to (...)
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  34. Meontology in early xuanxue thought.David Chai - 2010 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 37 (1):90-101.
  35.  13
    China: Transition to a Market Economy.Joseph C. H. Chai - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    At the heart of China's remarkable economic growth is a new economic system, which has emerged out of radical reforms in virtually all areas of economic activity. Understanding this system is the key to understanding the Chinese economy. This book, the culmination of many years of research in Hong Kong and China, is a comprehensive account of these systemic reforms, as well as of their transferability to other economies in transition. The starting-point of Dr Chai's analysis is a careful (...)
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    Jonathan Edwards and the Limits of Enlightenment Philosophy.Leon Chai - 1998 - Oup Usa.
    Jonathan Edwards has most often been considered in the context of the Puritanism of New England. However, in many ways he was closer to the thinkers of the European Enlightenment. Leon Chai explores the connection, analysing Edwards's thought in light of a number of the issues that preoccupied such Enlightenment figures as Locke, Descartes, Malebranche, and Leibniz.
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    Liu, Xiaogan 劉笑敢 et. al., eds., Chinese Philosophy and Culture: Confucian Studies of Ming-Qing Period 中國哲學與文化: 明清儒學研究: Guilin 桂林: Guangxi Shifan Daxue Chubanshe 廣西師範大學出版社, 2010, 296 pages.Shaojin Chai - 2011 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10 (1):117-121.
    Liu, Xiaogan 劉笑敢 et. al., eds., Chinese Philosophy and Culture : Confucian Studies of Ming-Qing Period 中國哲學與文化: 明清儒學研究 Content Type Journal Article Pages 117-121 DOI 10.1007/s11712-010-9203-0 Authors Shaojin Chai, Department of Political Science, University of Notre Dame, 217 O’Shaughnessay Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA Journal Dao Online ISSN 1569-7274 Print ISSN 1540-3009 Journal Volume Volume 10 Journal Issue Volume 10, Number 1.
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    Reading Ji Kang's Essays: Xuanxue in Early-Medieval China.David Chai - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This is the first English-language book on the philosophy of Ji Kang. Moreover, it offers the first systematic treatment of his philosophy, thus filling a significant gap in English-language scholarship on early medieval Chinese literature and philosophy. David Chai brings to light Ji Kang's Neo-Daoist heritage and explores the themes in his writings that were derived from classical Daoism, most notably the need for humanity to return to a more harmonious co-existence with Nature to further our own self-understanding. His (...)
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    Musical naturalism in the thought of Ji Kang.David Chai - 2009 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 8 (2):151-171.
    Wei-Jin period is characterized by neo-Daoism ( xuanxue 玄學), and J I Kang lived in the midst of this philosophical exploration. Adopting the naturalism of the Zhuangzi , J i Kang expressed his socio-political concerns through the medium of music, which was previously regarded as having moral bearing and rectitude. Denying such rectitude became central for J i Kang, who claimed that music was incapable of possessing human emotion, releasing it from the chains of Confucian ritualism. His investigation into the (...)
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  40. Dao compainon to Xuanxue.David Chai (ed.) - 2020
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    Dao Companion to Xuanxue 玄學 (Neo-Daoism).David Chai (ed.) - 2020 - Springer.
    This comprehensive volume surveys an important but neglected period of Chinese intellectual history: Xuanxue (Neo-Daoism). It provides a holistic approach to the philosophical and religious traits of this movement via the concepts of non-being, being, and oneness. Thinkers and texts on the periphery of Xuanxue are also examined to show readers that Xuanxue did not arise in a vacuum but is the result of a long and continuous evolution of ideas from pre-Qin Daoism. The 25 chapters of this work survey (...)
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    Rethinking the Daoist Concept of Nature.David Chai - 2016 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 43 (3-4):259-274.
    Recent years have seen an increased turning to the “wisdom of the East” when addressing issues on the environment. The risk of misappropriating its tenets in order to make them conform to the Western system is extremely high however. This paper will lay bare the early texts of Daoism so as to disprove claims that Nature is mystical, antithetical to technology, and subservient to human consciousness. It shall argue that Nature not only arises from a non-anthropocentric source in Dao but (...)
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  43. The temporal life of fish : Zhuangzi on perfection in time.David Chai - 2020 - In Livia Kohn, Dao and time: classical philosophy. [Saint Petersburg]: Three Pines Press.
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    The Way of Awareness in Daoist Philosophy.David Chai - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (3):1044-1047.
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    Dynamic changes in task preparation in a multi-task environment: The task transformation paradigm.Mengqiao Chai, Clay B. Holroyd, Marcel Brass & Senne Braem - 2024 - Cognition 247 (C):105784.
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    Surveying and modelling China high school students’ experience of and preferences for twenty-first-century learning and their academic and knowledge creation efficacy.Chai Ching Sing, Jyh-Chong Liang, Chin-Chung Tsai & Yan Dong - 2019 - Tandf: Educational Studies 46 (6):658-675.
    Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2020, Page 658-675.
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    What Really Matters for Loneliness Among Left-Behind Children in Rural China: A Meta-Analytic Review.Xiaoyun Chai, Hongfei Du, Xiaoyan Li, Shaobing Su & Danhua Lin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Bank Specific Risks and Financial Stability Nexus: Evidence From Pakistan.Zhengmeng Chai, Muhammad Nauman Sadiq, Najabat Ali, Muhammad Malik & Syed Ali Raza Hamid - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This article investigates the nexus between bank-specific risks and the financial stability of the banks for a panel data set of 15 scheduled banks in Pakistan over a 12-year period from 2009 to 2020. Using the fixed-effect model, the study result shows that bank-specific risks, i.e., credit risk and liquidity risk are detrimental to bank stability, whereas funding risk has no significant impact on bank stability. Besides these, bank size has also a negative impact on bank stability, whereas the return (...)
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    On Pillowing One’s Skull: Zhuangzi and Heidegger on Death.David Chai - 2016 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 11 (3):483-500.
  50.  19
    University and Its Other: On The Referent–We of Sylvia Wynter’s “No Humans Involved”.Vero Chai - 2022 - Diacritics 50 (4):32-46.
    Sylvia Wynter ends her monumental essay “‘No Humans Involved:’ An Open Letter to My Colleagues” (1994) with an urgent call to address the dire condition of the jobless and poor: “We must now undo their narratively condemned status.” Who are “we”? The sentence separates the university and its “narratively condemned” other. In fact, what the pronoun “we” in the open letter refers to is situated and far from universal, for it is “we in academia” that institute the Western imperial constructs (...)
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